Quality ranges from 480 to 1080 and just like Sports Access it’s been tested on the same 4.2mbps wired connection and passed with flying colours, no buffering. The stream quality in this add-on is remarkable, and we’re baffled as to why it’s not getting a as big of a shoutout as it is most certainly deserved. If you’re looking for a quick fix, then you can install the VPN on Prometheus called PIA.
Their are loads of free VPN services available out there, you just need to look around and so some research.
American network in order for the add-on to work. However, if you’re outside of the USA then you will need to have purchased a VPN service and connect to a N. it’s free to use the add-on and access their servers with the streams on. They offer all the Premier League games including the 3pm kickoffs with quality which rivals Sports Access. NBC Live Sports Extra is still a relatively unknown add-on which we’re extremely surprised about.